Agricultural Water Rates

FPUD offers a special water rate for commercial agricultural properties. Requirements include a backflow device installed at the meter, active agricultural area on the property served by the meter, and a completed application (may be subject to site inspection). Meters that serve a house and agriculture are classed as Agriculture Domestic (AD), and are billed at the domestic rate for the first five billing units (each unit is 1,000 gallons) of water used each month, and the agricultural rate for usage over 5,000 gallons. Agricultural only meters are billed at the Agriculture Rate (AG) for all usage. FPUD is able to offer agriculture rates with the recognition and agreement from ag customers that deliveries may be subject to allocations or reductions during drought or supply emergencies. For more information, please contact Mick Cothran at or (760)999-2721.
FPUD Agricultural Water Program Certification Form.pdfBackflow Prevention Questionnaire_2020.pdfBackflow Installation Specification 2024.1.22.pdf