California Adopts New Regulation for Making Conservation a California Way of Life

California recently adopted a regulation for Making Conservation a California Way of Life. The new regulation is intended to cultivate long-term practices that will help address California’s limited water supplies. The regulation sets new, permanent water use budgets for Fallbrook Public Utility District’s entire service area — not individual customers or businesses.
After many consecutive years of water conservation efforts by our ratepayers and over a decade of investments in capital improvements to District infrastructure, we expect FPUD to achieve its water use budget in 2027 and beyond. FPUD staff will continue to work with our customers to meet these budgets by offering water saving rebate programs that include turf removal assistance, irrigation system upgrades and appliance rebates. A complete replacement of District water meters to automated meters was completed in 2023, and all FPUD customers can now catch leaks early, and track their water use online. District staff will continue to explore opportunities to create unique local programs such as our succulent giveaway program that we offered in recent years and participate in regional programs such as the County of San Diego’s Waterscape Rebate Program. If you would like to learn more about rebates, automated meters or local program offerings, please visit our website at:
In California, we are continuing to see extreme weather swings and we are always preparing for the next dry year. We know our customers continue to use less water and have made great strides over the past ten years. We look forward to continuing to work with customers as we implement the new regulation. These efforts will allow Fallbrook Public Utility District to continue making a difference for our communities and future generations.