Dave Baxter,
Director of Subdistrict No. 1

Current term expires on December, 2028.
Dave is the senior director at Relevant Solutions, a company providing business solutions through instrumentation and automation, rotating and thermal equipment, purification and building solutions. He has extensive background in water and wastewater treatment, working with municipalities, and spent eight years in the Coast Guard. He is past president of Live Oak Park Coalition and is active in many other Fallbrook nonprofits. He is a Fallbrook business owner, owning and operating Fallbrook Protea farm, and rental property throughout town. He was volunteer pastor at Rancho Community Church until, together with his wife Stephani, founded Fallbrook Vineyard Church in 2020 where they serve as senior pastors. He has two bachelor’s degrees from University of Tennessee – in environmental engineering and chemical engineering. He joined the board in August 2019 and can be contacted at dbaxter@fpud.com.